Our Story

Next Year is
Going to be Different

If you could pick a day in Wisconsin to not have a birthday, Jan 2nd has to be close to the top of the list. Unfortunately, that is my birthday. The main reason it’s near the top of the horrible birthdate list is because in Wisconsin, it’s usually 20 below zero, everyone is often bloated and partied out from the holidays.

With new resolutions and dreams of how this next year is going to be different from the last, no one wants to party. I’ve been complaining about my birthday for years, and in 2023 that all changed.

The Pity,

The story begins in late December of 2022 when a friend of ours decided that if I hosted a birthday party at my house, he would bring beers, a variety of steaks for the grill and we would have a great birthday celebration.  

So that’s what happened.

Soon after, my wife and I invited as many friends as we could think of and Meatfest was born. At this point in the story, I could never have imagined that a party that started with pity, would end with a challenge that would change not only my life, but the life of Mike forever.

Peace is built on the foundation of discomfort conquered


Japan Meets Wisconsin

Pull-ups are cool, I’ve always thought that, and on Jan 2nd, 2023, over beers, steaks, and the excitement of a fresh new year, Mike and I decided to embark on a challenge that at the time, seemed impossible.

Earlier that year, Mike introduced me to the concept of a Misogi. 

In its traditional sense, Misogi requires immersing oneself in cold water or standing under a waterfall to purify the mind and body. In modern times, Misogi has taken on a broader meaning. It is a challenge that pushes you to your limits and forces you to confront your fears, doubts, and weaknesses.

A Misogi consists of only two rules. Number one, don’t die. Number two, pick something so difficult that there is only a 50% chance of successfully completing the challenge.

And with that in mind, we decided our Misogi was going to span the whole year of 2023 and was going to consist of doing 20,000 pull-ups.

55 a day!

To this day when asked why 20,000? I’m not sure we will ever really know, but what we have found is that by committing to The 55 a Day Pull-up Challenge, our lives have elevated in an incredibly powerful way.

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The Crux Co.

We founded The Crux Company fueled by the burning desire to share the profound tools, resources, and wisdom we unearthed during this journey. Beyond the physical benefits—more energy, weight loss, and increased strength—we're here to inspire and support you through the seemingly impossible, elevating every facet of your life.

Dubbed "Crux" for a reason, our venture draws inspiration from the outdoor realm, where the crux signifies the most challenging part of the route—an area demanding skill, strength, and relentless determination. We're not fitness “experts” or elite athletes; just two regular Midwest guys who uncovered a game-changing approach to thriving beyond 40.

Join the movement, and let's connect on Instagram @55ADay. Your best life awaits, and we're here to help you seize it.